Sunday, June 1, 2008

Avery's party

Well another birthday has come and gone! We had a great day. Avery was a bit overwhelmed though. In fact she slept through most of the party! She got some new DVD's and a TV for her room. She loved the cake, ate 2 pieces. My mom and I made her cake and we think it turned out very cute! She was glad when the gang left so she could watch a movie in her room with her daddy!


Katy said...

Awww, wish we could have been there!!

Brooklyn said...

I swear our girls are SO much alike only Avery is a year younger - Brooklyn ALSO slept through her birthday party! Too funny. I am SO impressed with your cake making (and your moms) first the guitar, now this. I am in awe of you girl!
Avery - you are the cutest thing!

Anonymous said...

I sure wouldn't want to make cakes for a living. I think we'd go broke especially if we had to do it with Cole sitting on the counter while we are trying to ice the cake. But, all's well that ends well. Avery enjoyed it.

Grammy said...

Carrie, Brooklyn slept through pretty much of her 2nd birthday, too. Must be a "TWO" thing. Please give Avery a big hug for me and wish her a happy "belated" birthday from Brooklyn's grammy! Looking forward to meeting you!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo to Avery

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm late but Happy Birthday Avery!!!!

Her cake looks yummy!