Friday, January 23, 2009


Avery's fingernail came off! Don't know if it is because it is always wet or what. She had no trauma, no bleeding, no pain. Just came off!


Katy said...

After looking at the photos, I'd say hat is definitely fungal. Call the doctor and see what he says. {kiss}

Karlie Grace said...

Ouchie! Poor girl! You'll be surprised at how quickly it grows back. This is exactly how Karlie's looked when it lifted except it turned green the day before it fell off. Hug your sweet girl for us please!

Brittney Withers said...

Oh my goodness....How strange! What did the doctor say?

By the way Avery you have a darling room. I love your curtains!

The Mounce family said...

How scary! We haven't lost any fingernails yet, but Andrew's are always wet and dirty too and the skin around a couple of fingers stays raw. Have you tried any gloves? Happy late Birthday Kelly!

The Mounce family said...

Ok, I did it again... Happy late Birthday Carrie! I seem to always have you and Kelly and your girls names switched!

Kelly said...

OUCH! Those rasberries your blow are taking a toll on your poor little fingers - big hugs!

viagra online said...

After doing research about fingernails, I realized that those can indicate you if something is not going right in your body.

viagra online said...

I think that fingernails could be so gorgeous if you take good care of them, otherwise, they could become like awful claws.

Elliott Broidy said...

How interesting. I have had this happen too, and no idea why.